Become a Member

More than just another subscription service.

Because The Village Project is a co-operative, when you become a Member, you actually become co-owner of a community organisation that aims to create change globally, starting at a local level.

That’s right – you become a part owner of The Village Project.

This means you get a say in how we use parts of our profits to best benefit the community each year, you get a vote on important decisions and you are part of leading the direction of The Village Project, now and well into the future. 

Becoming a Member is a simple way to make a positive difference in the world, beginning in your own backyard. 

So, why become a Member of The Village Project?

Be part of decision making

Get a vote in important matters, such as how we spend a portion of our annual profits to better our community.

Co-own a community organisation

By simply joining, you become part owner of a community organisation with a difference.

Access a Share Economy

Borrow & share unlimited Stuff, Skills & Services with other Members, or find help by listing the things you need.

Create positive change

Contribute to creating positive change locally & globally, by simply paying your membership fee.

Connect with likeminded locals

Form new connections with likeminded locals through Events, Groups and Forums, online or in peson.

Still not convinced? Just take a look at these happy folks and see what they think:

Questions about becoming a Member?

1) How do I become a Member?


To become a Member you simply fill out a registration form and pay a membership fee. Our team will review your membership form and, once approved, you will receive an email with a link and instructions of how to fill out your profile and add something to share with other Members. 

2) Where do my membership fees go?


All membership fees go towards keeping this platform running, running costs for our organisation and providing means of support to our community.


Our suggested fee for membership is $50 for 6 months, however we give you the option to pay as little as $10 because we want everyone to have the opportunity to be part of The Village Project and our Share Economy. 

3) What will be expected of me as a Member?


As a Member you will be expected to share at least one thing with other Members and pay a membership fee.


We expect that our Members align with The Village Project Ethos  and help keep the platform a safe and respectful place for everyone.


If you want to get more involved, you can also attend Members meetings, share ideas for the overall direction of The Village Project and vote on important matters. It's up to you how much, or how little, you'd like to be involved and even how much you want to contribute, in the way of membership fees and sharing things. 

4) What does it mean to be a Member of a co-operative?


Being a Member of a co-op is different to other types of memberships. In a co-op Members are actually owners of the co-op, who all have equal voting rights and a say in important decisions.


Co-ops operate for the sole benefit of their Members, and as a Member, you get to not only help determine what those benefits are, you also get to help create and provide them.


5) How much of the Members area can Members and non-members access?


Our Members area includes: 


  • Become a Member: info on the benefits of becoming a Member and how to become one
  • View Members: a place to view and connect with other Members
  • Members Activity: a place to keep up to date with all activity across the site


If you are a Member you can: 


  • View all of the above pages
  • View Members profiles, connect with and message other Members
  • View and add to the main feed on the Activity page


If you are a non-member you: 


  • Can view the Become a Member page
  • Can fill out the form to become a Member
  • Cannot view Member profiles, message anyone or view the activity feed 

Check out these amazing features (for just around $8 per month!):

Phone and tablet users, make sure you turn your device sideways to see the features side by side, of what Members and non-members can access.


  • Browse Share Economy
  • View individual listings
  • Borrow & share things
  • List a need
  • View Events calendar
  • Attend Events
  • Can attend Events for free
  • Host Events
  • View Members profiles
  • Browse Groups page
  • Browse Forums page
  • Join Groups or Forums
  • Start a Group or Chat
  • View info on Info Hub
  • Submit info to Info Hub


  • Some, but not all
  • Some free, some for a fee


  • Can attend all
  • All Events are free

"Being part of The Village Project is a way for me to practice active hope. Hope that all is not lost; that we can work together to find creative ways to improve our world and our lives. For me, The Village Project embodies something I believe deeply - that together we are powerful."

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