Submit an Event

To submit an Event, simply fill out the form below. If you have any questions or need help with the form you can contact us here.

1) What kind of Events can I hold?


When planning an Event keep in mind our five focus areas:


  • Wellbeing
  • Nature
  • Learning
  • Enterprise
  • Inclusion


However, if you have an idea for an Event that doesn’t quite fit into one of those categories, submit it anyway and, if approved, we will add it to the calendar. 


Here are some suggestions to get you started: 


  • Swaps: Swap clothes, toys, crops, books and more
  • Classes: Teach others a new skill or hobby
  • Talks: Share your knowledge or expertise on a subject
  • Support: Provide a safe space for people to come together over a shared issue or challenge 
  • Arts: Screen a documentary, hold a performance or share some live music

2) How often will I need to commit to hosting an Event?


It really depends on the type of Event you hold.  Some Events that take a lot or time and effort to organise could be held once or twice a year. Events that require a medium amount of time and effort could be held every three months. Events that are easy to organise could be held on a more regular basis, fortnightly or monthly. It's really up to you how much you want to contribute.


If this is the only thing you are sharing with other Members, we ask that you host an Event a minimum of 2 times per year (though, if you host a major Event it could be once a year - just ask us if in doubt!) 

3) What happens after I submit my Event form?


Your form will be reviewed by one of our Admin team. If we have any questions we will contact you to discuss the Event further, before approving it.


If our team have no questions your Event will be added to the Events Calendar on our website and, if a public Event (for non-members as well as Members), promoted on our social media platforms as well.

4) Events Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy


The Terms & Conditions for Events are below. For our full Terms & Conditions click here




The Village Project provides a Digital Platform to facilitate Events, mainly hosted by Members who have been reviewed and approved by our Admin Team. The Village Project also may choose to host some Events as well. Events refers to the area on our Digital Platform that facilitates Members to be able to hold Events and may also be referred to as an ’Event’, the ‘Events Calendar’ or ‘Calendar’. The Events Calendar is about collaboration, connection and creating opportunities for the entire community to learn and grow together. We ask that you keep this in mind when engaging with other Members.


When you host or attend an Event you are agreeing to be respectful and appreciative of other Members and the skills, knowledge or interests that they are sharing through an Event. In all transactions and communications Members are expected to act with fairness, friendliness and mutual respect. Under no circumstances are Members to ask or offer money to other Members in relation to hosting or attending an Event. Members may charge a fee to non-members, if the Event is open to the public, subject to approval by The Village Project.


Event Host Responsibilities


When a Member chooses to host an Event they may be referred to as a 'Host' or, at times, an ‘Organiser’. Members who choose to register for and attend Events will be referred to as an 'Attendee', or at times, a 'Participant'.


1) When submitting and advertising an event an Event Host:

a) Is solely responsible for ensuring that any page displaying an Event on the Digital Platform (and the Event itself) meets all applicable local, state, provincial, national and other laws, rules and regulations, and that the description on the Event page, of what will be offered at that Event, are delivered as described and in an accurate satisfactory manner.

b) Must ensure that all content, including written text, images, videos and other media, must be accurate and truthful.

c) Must communicate clearly what you, as a Host, will provide at an Event and any requirements of the Attendee, necessary to be able to participate in the Event.

d) Must clearly state dates, times and locations that are accurate and, if an Event must be cancelled or postponed for any reason, or the location changed, give the Attendees and The Village Project due notice and arrange an alternative date, time and/or location.

e) Agrees that all Members may attend your Event for free

f) Has the option to host an Event for Members only (a 'Private Event') or Members and non-Members (a 'Public Event'), however is not allowed to host an event for non-members only

g) Has the option to charge non-members a fee for attending the Event, which must be approved by The Village Project, prior to adding an Event to the Calendar and promoting it

h) Agrees to The Village Project taking a percentage from each ticket fee, if the Event is open to non-members who will be charged to attend the Event, to cover transaction and administrative fees and that this percentage will be 3% to 5% depending on the payment platform being used

i) Agrees to make all ticket fees fair and reasonable and to provide an opportunity for those who are not able to afford the nominated ticket fee a discount or free entry to the Event

j) Agrees to abide by The Village Project's Ethos, Code of Ethics, Privacy Policy and Constitution at all times.


Event Attendee Responsibilities


2) When registering and attending an Event, an Event Attendee:


a) Agrees that, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, Events are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis and understands that an Event may not meet your requirements or expectations, be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free

b) Agrees that The Village Project has no responsibility to you for, and hereby disclaims all liability arising from, the acts or omissions of any third parties that The Village Project requires to provide Events, that a Host or Member chooses to assist with an Event, or that you choose to contract with when using the Digital Platform or attending an Event.

c) Agrees that some events may carry inherent risk, and by participating in those events, you choose to assume those risks voluntarily. For example, some events may carry risk of illness, bodily injury, disability, or death, and you freely and willfully assume those risks by choosing to participate in those events.

d) Agrees to abide by The Village Project's Ethos, Code of Ethics, Privacy Policy and Constitution at all times

e) Will give the Host and/or The Village Project due notice if unable to attend an Event you have registered for.


The Village Project Responsibilities


2) The Village Project:


a) May temporarily or permanently disable an Event if any Member breaches the Event Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Code of Ethics or Constitution, without giving reason. Members involved may contact The Village Project Admin team to discuss why the Event was disabled.

b) May not approve an Event, that a Member has submitted for review and approval, without giving a reason. The Member, who submitted the Event request, may contact The Village Project Admin team to discuss why the Event was not approved.

c) Is not the creator, Host, Organiser or owner of the Events that are being held by Members, that are listed on the Calendar on the Digital Platform. Rather, The Village Project provides its services which allows Members to manage and hold their Events.

d) Has no control over or influence of how Events are managed, operated or held. Any disputes or incidents arising from an Event is up to the individual Members involved to handle. However mediation may be necessary if a dispute arises (see our Dispute Policy).

e) Is in no way liable for any items that have been damaged, lost or stolen or responsible for interactions between Members that occur at an Event, or as a result of an Event.

f) Will provide an Admin Team to help keep Events a safe and inclusive space, but are in no way liable for any disagreements or disputes.

g) Disclaims all warranties of any kind. The Village Project makes no guarantee that:


      • The Events (or any portion of the Events) will meet your requirements or expectations
      • The Events will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free
      • The results that may be obtained by attendance of the Events will be accurate or reliable.

h) That The Village Project has no control over and does not guarantee the quality, safety, accuracy or legality of any Event or content associated with an Event, the truth or accuracy of any information provided by Hosts or other Members or the ability of any Host to perform or actually complete a transaction.


Privacy Policy


1) The Village Project requires some personal information to be shared for communication purposes amongst Members in relation to our Share Economy, Events, Groups, Forums, Info Hub and other co-op related interactions.


2) Please ensure you only provide relevant details when needed and never give personal details if a situation or other Member makes you feel uncomfortable.


3) If a Member is provided with personal details of another Member, that Member must respect the privacy of the other Member(s) and only use that information for actions relevant to The Village Project's Digital Platform.


4) Personal data will need to be shared for Members to reach other Members, particularly for the Share Economy. This will mainly be done through the Village Project's Digital Platform, but other forms of communication may be necessary. Only give these details if absolutely necessary and if you feel safe in giving this information.


5) The Village Project will not sell or share your information to a third party and will only email Members when it is relevant, or to inform Members of upcoming events, changes, or news.


6) If a Member requests personal information about another Member from The Village Project, the Member, whose information is being requested, will be notified.

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