To start a Group, simply fill out the form below. If you have an idea for a Group and would like to chat to one of our team about it first, you can contact us here.
1) What kind of Groups can I start?
When thinking about starting a Group, keep in mind our five focus areas:
- Wellbeing
- Nature
- Learning
- Enterprise
- Inclusion
However, if you have an idea for a Group that doesn’t quite fit into one of those categories, submit it anyway and, if approved, we will add it the platform.
Ultimately, Groups exist to provide a safe space for our Members to connect over shared interests and common goals. So, any Group that champions our five focus areas, strengthens our community and exists to help create positive change will be approved and added to the platform.
2) What am I committing to when I start a Group?
When you start a Group you are committing to being the main Organiser and Manager of that Group. This means that you:
- Have read the Connect Terms & Conditions and agree to abide by them
- Agree to moderate whatever interactions and communications are happening between Group Members in a fair and respectful manner
- Will ensure to do your best to keep the Group a safe and welcoming space
- Will be responsible for keeping momentum, keeping Group Members engaged and ongoing management of the Group and all of its activities.
Other Members can also become Moderators and help organise things, so that the responsibilities don't all fall on one person. We suggest you have 2-3 people who are happy to commit to this role before starting a Group, though it is not essential.
3) What happens after I submit my Group form?
Your form will be reviewed by one of our Admin team. If we have any questions we will contact you to discuss the Group further, before approving it.
If our team have no questions your Group will be added to the Connect area on our platform. Once the Group is visible on the platform you'll be able to invite Members, start chatting and share things with other Group Members.
4) Connect Terms & Conditions
The Village Project provides a Digital Platform to facilitate a Connect Area which is used by Members who have been reviewed and approved by our Admin Team. The Connect area refers to the area on our Digital Platform that facilitates the creation of Groups and Forums, where Members can connect in special interest or volunteer Groups or be part of conversations in a Forum. The Connect area, Groups and Forums are about collaboration, connection and learning and growing as a community. We ask that you keep this in mind when engaging with other Members.
When you use the Connect area or join a Group or Forum you are agreeing to be respectful and appreciative of other Members and all they are sharing. In all transactions and communications Members are expected to act with fairness, friendliness and mutual respect. Under no circumstances are Members to ask or offer money to other Members to partake in a Group or Forum.
Groups & Forums
1) When starting or being part of a Group or Forum, Members must:
a) Abide by the Code of Ethics and Privacy Policy at all times. If a disagreement arises, it must be dealt with amicably and with kindness and respect.
b) Not change the focus of a Group once it is established
c) Not use the Groups or Forums for any other purpose than that of its description.
d) Not share documents, photos, quotes or any other information by another person unless they have written permission from the Member or non-member to which the document, photo or quote belongs.
e) Ensure that the Group or Forum conversation falls under the umbrella of The Village Project's Focus Areas or Ethos, knowing that only those that do will be approved by the Admin Team.
f) Allow all Members to be able to join and participate in Groups and Forums, without discrimination or barrier. The only Groups that this clause does not apply to are Groups that The Village Project has created for Volunteers or Admin Team Members, in which case, these persons will be able to join and participate in freely, without discrimination or barrier, by invitation only by The Village Project.
g) Ensure that all conversation and communications in Groups and Forums are respectful, mutual and fair.
h) Not use Groups or Forums for advertising a business, self promotion or fundraising, unless first approved, in writing, by The Village Project Admin Team
i) Help grow our community in constructive and positive ways.
2) The Village Project has the right and responsibility to:
a) Not approve a Group, that a Member has submitted for review and approval, without giving a reason. The Member, who submitted the Group request, may contact The Village Project Admin team to discuss why the group was not approved.
b) Temporarily or permanently close or disable a Group or conversation on a Forum, if any Member breaches the Connect Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Code of Ethics or Constitution, without giving reason. Members involved may contact The Village Project Admin team to discuss why the Group or Forum was closed or disabled.
i) Delete content, or to temporarily or permanently block Members who post content, that falls under the following:
- Defamation or hate speech (speech that targets people or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or any other protected status)
- Comments/posts that threaten to harm individuals, groups or organizations
- Endorsement or encouragement of illegal activities
- Multiple off-topic posts or repetitive posts that are copied and pasted
- Personal information including but not limited to e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, or identification numbers
- Business advertisements, self promotion or fundraising that has not been approved by The Village Project Admin Team.